N.A. Humor: Wuthering Heights

This was my final N.A. Humor comic so I wanted to end using the silly, observational humor I tried to use throughout writing it. To me, it makes sense for a 20-year-old guy to not completely know who was the protagonist of Wurthering Heights. So, of course, he would just associate the name of the protagonist with an orange, rotund feline since Garfield and Heathcliff did look very similar in their cartoon forms. Heathcliff the cat is certainly more redeemable a character than Heathcliff the man and I think it would be a delightfully different adaptation to redo the novel with the character cat as the main character.

Now, 12 years later, I am proud of the many N.A. Humor comics I created as a simpler aside from the Kelly comics. The focus of N.A. Humor was on Kelly’s brother, Seth, who had so much potential. That’s the thing, these comics are like a time capsule for optimistic hopes and dreams and are both fun and a bit painful to look back on after time has passed and altered how things actually turned out. Perhaps that’s why it’s good to look back on these comics years later, in order to remember how things used to be.