NA Humor: Traffic Differences

While living in a rural area, you got used to things like getting stuck behind a tractor or cows crossing the road when driving to school. Instead on campus, the higher population density meant traffic was slowed down by students and faculty crossing the road and the routes being filled with campus buses and other people driving. And it’s true that if you hit a deer in your path at home that someone could pick it up to eat it which would not be the case in the suburbs. But that was one of the trade ins of going from a rural area to a more populated one.

Kelly 77: Why Does Daylight Need Savings?

It wasn’t until I was studying abroad in England that I learned they set their clocks ahead one week before the U.S. does, thus ending British Summer Time. So for most of the time, England is 5 hours ahead of the U.S. Eastern Standard Time but during that week they are 6 hours ahead. This was actually a fairly recent change because in 2007 the U.S. changed from putting their clocks back in late October (the same time as England) to the first week in November.

Fortunately, this worked in our favor while traveling when we didn’t change our clocks (this was before smart phones or wide use of cell phone alarms) and woke up 1.5 hours before our train instead of half an hour before it then had extra time to kill. When you are only in a country for a few short months, it’s a real shame to miss any of it because of a time change mix up. I don’t recall what we did with that hour but I like Kelly’s idea of getting some food and ale at the pub.

Kelly 76: Culture Clash Part 2

Before I went to study abroad in England, I was mostly aware of the differences between our cultures but this became more apparent once I was there myself. To this day, I actually prefer the savory, English meat pies. The partying took some getting used to but, as a college senior, I welcomed the faster pace. It took some getting used to in having class only once a week and your entire semester’s grade hanging on one exam or paper but I enjoyed the abundance of free time now available in my schedule. And I also still appreciate English currency, wishing we had a similar system here.

NA Humor: On Frat

Fraternities and sororities are mainstays of college life. Technically, I was in a volunteering-focused frat in college but we didn’t really party or do anything like a typical frat. It sounded like my brother’s journalism frat was a similar idea, which makes sense for as much disdain as he had for a normal frat.