Kelly Weekly, issue 36: Brother & Sister Attend Same School, Rivalry Ensues!

From what I remember, my brother didn’t apply to attend my same college, but it was a consideration for him. Even if he did, I don’t think I would have reacted as drastically as Kelly with wanting to transfer. Binghamton did have the advantage of having a large student population so even if we had attended together, it would have been difficult for a freshman to run into a junior.

Kelly #35 – Kelly’s General Education Requirements

Oh, do I remember how much it could be a painful struggle as an underclassman to get the classes you wanted and needed. What made it harder was trying to fill the general education requirements with these obscure codes of letters. I believe that “A” was for art and “L” for lab but I don’t remember what the others stood for.

Fortunately, I was more on top of picking my first and alternate choices well ahead of time, unlike Kelly. And I did come to college with three A.P. courses which gave me a boost in my credit standing since the fewer credits you had the longer you had to wait to register for classes. In a way, this was good practice for my post-college years to be online at the exact right time to score a deal on Black Friday and Cyber Monday.


It must have been Murphy’s Law that your computer would always break as you were getting ready for finals. Thankfully mine didn’t have this many problems and I did have access to the computer PODS in the library and community buildings. The PODS were intended for homework and printing things but in the age before smartphones students definitely used them to watch TV and go on Facebook, making their availability to do homework scarce.

NA Humor Halloween

My brother was one of many people who liked Napoleon Dynamite so it makes sense that he would dress up as him for Halloween. In real life, he did not accidentally dress like the infamous emperor of France instead but it was a fun costume for me to draw.

NA Humor Station

The fall of 2007 definitely saw an increase in the cost of gas around the country so it was not so far fetched that people in my hometown would take so much offense to it. To my knowledge, no gas station attendants were harmed during this time but I liked this absurd idea for the NA Humor comic.

Kelly #32: To Help One’s Community Is To Help One’s Self

Like Kelly, during the summer between freshman and sophomore year of college, I was invited to join a volunteer-focused honor society. Unlike Kelly, I did not give up when it impinged on my favorite free time activities. There were many opportunities to donate my time to important causes while also having fun. Now I donate more of my money than my time but every little bit counts.

Kelly #31: is this go-n 2 b on the text?

It’s hard to believe there was a time before texting, but I still clearly remember where I was when I first saw a text on my pay-as-you-go cell phone. Since I didn’t get my first cell phone until I started college, I didn’t naturally know how it worked or realize that my cell phone was even capable of texting. Soon enough, I took to texting like a fish to water. Now I can barely go one day without texting while I can go weeks without using my phone to make a call. During the time span I did my college comics, I never had a smartphone so these comics will not go into life in the data stream of Internet access and apps.