Kelly #90: Last Breakdown

My final semester did feel like I was trying to fit in too much, but I don’t think I ended up nearly losing it like Kelly in this comic. Looking back on it, I don’t remember many stressful moments, most likely because most of my classes and my job were actually fun. The main worries I had were about job applications and the GREs (which I never actually took, I only did practice exams). Maybe it’s because we only remember the good times. It makes me wonder what I will remember 10 years from now, when I am spending so much of my time working and don’t have a ton of other activities crammed into my days. Sometimes it seems like it will be better to do more with my time now instead of spending my non-working time resting but I guess that’s a thought to ponder another time. On a side note, I continue to enjoy the details I put into these comics. For example, I don’t know why in her senior year Kelly needed a rubber ducky but it makes me happy to see it in the comic along with her art class and other school supplies.

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