Kelly # 95: Homeward Bound?

This story line does stem from my real life when it felt like everyone I had graduated high school with was getting married by the time I was finishing college to enter the “real world.” In comparing myself to other people, I’ve always found reasons to be dissatisfied with my life so it was no different when it came to my love life. At one point, while I had graduated from college but was still unemployed, someone asked if I was going to go back to school to get my “MRS” degree. It took me a second to see he meant if I was going to go back to school just to land a husband. Hopefully, the people in most hometowns are not so singularly focused on a woman’s worth being tied to if she is married.

In the end, I stayed single for a lot longer than it took me to find a job in the rough recession years. But this is the year I am marrying to the love of my life. Hopefully we will go the distance since I know some of my high school classmates are no longer married to their spouses. But even if we don’t stay together, at least I know I am worth more than the ring on my left hand.

And I will say again that I am proud of the details I put into these panels, from the engagement rings and baby carriage in the title to the store merchandise and register decor at the hardware store. Hopefully these are fun details other people have noticed too.

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